It's been 20 years.
I've coached women on fitness, nutrition, mindset, and lifestyle habits for over 20 years now. 🤯
Sometimes clients tell me that their kids are going off to college or they got engaged (and it seems like yesterday that they were running around at one of our special events).
That's when it hits me that I've been in fitness a LONG time.
So, why did I start a women's gym?
Well, I didn't.
I started a "holistic health" coaching program.
And it gradually turned into a women's boutique fitness studio.
I moved from California to Colorado in 2004 to go to Denver Seminary. I had always wanted to be a personal trainer, so I got certified just before moving and figured this would be a good way to earn an income while going to school.
The Divine Frying Pan
I wanted to be part of a full-time Christian ministry of some sort. It just wasn't clear WHAT that ministry would be... but I figured that God would show me along the way.
Well, the summer before my last year at Seminary, I was struggling with the "what should I do with my life" question, as many university grads do.
I had been working at Bally's Fitness but was broke. I loved fitness but I couldn't live on $8.00/hour. 😔
I prayed and prayed and tried to figure out what to do... What was my "calling?" What ministry should I pursue?
Then one day, God hit me on the hit with a Divine Frying Pan.
What is "ministry" - is it not helping & serving people?
Isn't helping women with their health - allowing them to improve their quality of life so it positively impacts everyone around them - isn't that "ministry?"
Um. Duh. 🤔
Then, in the same week, without me saying anything to anyone, THREE ladies called me and asked if I would train them.
God literally dropped clients in my lap! 💥
That was Summer 2006.
I started a holistic health coaching program - helping others through fitness, nutrition, and mindset coaching.
A year or two later, "MissFits" - a ladies-only coaching program - was born.
And the rest, as they say... is history. 😁